Darkness Watching By Emma L. Adams Review

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

Darkness Watching


Eighteen-year-old Ashlyn is one interview away from her future when she first sees the demons. She thinks she’s losing her mind, but the truth is far more frightening: she can see into the Darkworld, the home of spirits– and the darkness is staring back.

Desperate to escape the demons, Ash accepts a place at a university in the small town of Blackstone, in the middle of nowhere – little knowing that it isn’t coincidence that led her there but the pull of the Venantium, the sorcerers who maintain the barrier keeping demons from crossing from the Darkworld into our own world.

All-night parties, new friendships and a life without rules or limits are all part of the package of student life – but demons still stalk Ash, and their interest in her has attracted the attention of every sorcerer in the area. Ash is soon caught between her new life and a group of other students with a connection to the Darkworld, who could offer the answers she’s looking for. The demons want something from her, and someone is determined to kill her before she can find out what it is.

In a world where darkness lurks beneath the surface, not everyone is what they appear to be…

Emma is an amazing writer. She has become one of my favorites. I couldn’t put Darkness Watching down. The main character, Ashlyn takes us on the ride along with her to find out why she’s different from others around her.  We are introduced to other characters such as David who aren’t what they seem to be either. David, especially isn’t what he puts himself out to be. This makes for a very interesting relationship or lack there of between he and Ashlyn.

My favorite line: 

“Nothing,” I said. “I don’t know a damn thing. I just know I can see things that aren’t there.”

I would highly recommend the book to the others.

Author Bio

Emma spent her childhood creating imaginary worlds to compensate for a disappointingly average reality, so it was probably inevitable that she ended up writing fantasy and paranormal novels for young adults.

She was born in Birmingham, UK, which she fled at the first opportunity to study English Literature at Lancaster University. In her three years at Lancaster, she hiked up mountains, skydived in Australia, and endured a traumatic episode involving a swarm of bees in the Costa Rican jungle. She also wrote various novels and short stories. These included her first publication, a rather bleak dystopian piece, and a disturbing story about a homicidal duck (which she hopes will never see the light of day).

Now a reluctant graduate, Emma can usually be found in front of her writing desk. Her debut novel The Puppet Spell, published in 2013 by Rowanvale Books, is a fantasy tale for young adults and the young at heart, inspired by her lifelong love of the fantastical, mythology, and video games. Emma also writes urban fantasy/supernatural novels for older teens and adults. Her next book, Darkness Watching, is the first in the upper-YA/New Adult Darkworld series, and was published in 2013 by Curiosity Quills Press.

Visit her blog at http://throughthegateway.blogspot.co.uk/

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25 thoughts on “Darkness Watching By Emma L. Adams Review

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