#IWSG: Good and Bad news


Thanks to Alex for hosting this each month. Here is the complete list of participants.

Well, I didn’t win Camp Nano but that’s okay. I did work on the epic fantasy.  Some edits got done on the first book of the vampire series. Started putting together a media kit for the first time. It has been fun doing that. The first media kit will be for the new short story anthology getting ready to publish. We have a tentative publication date of September 1st. If it changes I’ll let everyone know. I will post all the important info (links, etc) when it gets closer to time.

The only bad thing that happened was I decided to scrape a project because of the plot. I may pick it back up at a later date but right now just wasn’t feeling it. That happens sometimes though. On to bigger and better projects.

That’s it for this one. Look forward to your comments. 🙂




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